Stay in your Flow


Helping you find your productive rhythm

At FlowStays, our goal is to provide the perfect combination of mindful eating, conscious living, work-life stress reduction, movement, and beyond.

We need to make space for movement, good food, silence, and the inspiration of the natural world. Because places and locations affect health and wellbeing just as much as the foods you eat and the type of exercise you do. 


Utilizing Ayurvedic guidance and fresh, whenever possibly locally sourced, ingredients, our retreats are focused on nourishing your body so that you can feel good and have a focused mind from beginning to end of the day.

"To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art."

La Rochefoucauld.


Incorporating movement early combined with the type of movement your body needs is key to starting and ending your day right. We are focused on providing the right type of movement to help you feel physically good throughout your day.

“If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health.”

— Hippocrates


When we disconnect from nature we create discomfort within ourselves, and we can’t do our best work if we’re disconnected and uncomfortable. That’s why we’re committed to providing environmental zen, so you can thrive and your mental health can flourish. 

“In short: When we are exposed to sunlight, trees, water or even just a few green leaves, we become happier, healthier, and stronger. People living in green spaces have more energy and a stronger sense of purpose.”

Julia Baird, Phosphorescence


We provide you with the materials, WIFI and space to get your work done. Combined with like minded people and a healthy lifestyle, our belief is that not only will your productivity sky rocket, but so will your happiness.

“Focus on being productive instead of busy.”

-Tim Ferris